At an open house in March 2016, we happened to run into Andrew Lowe. Crisp and professional looking in grey flannel slacks and white shirt, Andrew was friendly and direct. He inquired as to what we were looking for, and there began what turned out to be a year long search together for our next home. Over these months we have found Andrew to be the consummate real estate agent. He went to great lengths to understand exactly what we were looking for, regularly sent MLS listed properties for us to sift through, and promptly made himself available to show any in which we were interested. Particularly exceptional about him was the sense we always had that Andrew had our best in mind first and foremost (instead of trying to just make a quick sale), even as the months began stacking up. Though outbid on two offers we never doubted that Andrew was committed to helping us find and secure the home that was right for us. At long last, the find was made. Thanks to his exceptional forethought and planning our offer was accepted and we are now unpacking in our new home! Thanks Andrew!